ガイド会は普段触れることの少ない、世界中の海の様子を、現地のガイドが自分自身の言葉で解説しながら、様々な形態の企画展やメディアを通じて、海中の案内だけでなく自然界をフィールドとする「ガイド」という職業を、より理解して もらおうと活動を続けています。このHPはその中のほんの一部の紹介でしかありませんが、見て頂いた皆さんの心に、私たちの海への想いと世界中の海から吹いて来るそよ風を感じていただければ、うれしく思います。
会長 川本 剛志
“Scuba diving Guide Association”
Who are we? What do we do? Why do we do it?
We are a group of professionals passionate about the underwater world who live as dive guides around the globe. Our guests experience unique, exciting and memorable encounters with our favourite dive sites and their inhabitants. Our enthusiasm comes from an intimate knowledge of sites that we dive almost daily, a love of the ocean and the desire to share. The Association offers a variety of events and media to introduce fellow divers to the concept of Underwater Guides. This website is only an introduction to our activities which we hope will provide an insight into our passion for nature, the service we provide and encourage you to get involved wherever you are on this amazing planet!